Fun Candy Lollipops

You don’t have to settle for typical lollipops during a fun event, celebration, or gifting opportunity. Candify has an extensive offering of fun-themed candy perfect for fun-filled themed events, from parties to other informal and formal events or occasions matching brand or company colors.
Boat Lollipops

Boat Lollipops


Flowers -Daisy Hard Candy

Flowers -Daisy Hard Candy


Flowers Bouquet Hard Candy

Flowers Bouquet Hard Candy


Lips Lollipops

Lips Lollipops


Lollipops Rectangle

Lollipops Rectangle


Lollipops Square

Lollipops Square





Masks Small

Masks Small


Mermaid Lollipops

Mermaid Lollipops


Mocktail Lollipops

Mocktail Lollipops


Mustache Lollipops

Mustache Lollipops


Star Lollipops

Star Lollipops


Train Lollipops

Train Lollipops


Wedding Size Hard Candy Lollipops with 24K Edible Gold Leaf

Wedding Size Hard Candy Lollipops with 24K Edible Gold Leaf


There’s more to our personalized lollipops. We can offer customized treats perfect for parties and many other custom lollipops. Most importantly, we can personalize just about any aspect of the lollipops, from size to shape, custom image, logo, graphics, and more.

Get in touch with any custom lollipop request for parties, promotional lollipops, plain candy lollipops, custom lollipop giveaways, and more.

Also, discover more product details and enquire about our other hard candy treats via email: or WhatsApp: 216-250-2651. Domestic and international clients can explore our shipping costs and shipping policies.